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Despite all the ways we have available to connect, we often fail to communicate proactively with each other.  We know we should sit down face to face and discuss the issue that is threatening our team and our results.  But instead we hold back and put off having the conversation.  We keep thinking we will do it next week once some deadline or other is out of the way. In the meantime, the burning issue does not disappear or solve itself.

Conversations That Count is the circuit-breaker!  This Half-Day Workshop is packed with information, models, tools and tips on how to conduct highly-effective workplace conversations.  From a conversation with a senior executive or manager, to a conversation with a team member or one of your peers, you will have it covered.


Emerging leaders, executives, managers and professionals who seek to improve their conversational abilities and gain more confidence in conversing with others in ways that are open and beneficial for them, for others and for their organisations.


• Developing the enhanced communication abilities of a proactive leader who has conversations with others knowing his/her purpose and having clear outcomes in mind.

• Acquiring and practising a highly-effective model for positive and productive conversations in organisational settings.

• Increased confidence and preparedness to initiate important conversations with people at all levels, within and outside the organisation.

• To be aware of the typical barriers and difficulties which commonly arise during these challenging conversations and to be equipped and ready to resolve them.

• To become a role model for other o how to resolve a variety of management and performance issues through having highly-effective and timely conversations.

• Enhanced organisational outcomes in areas of employee motivation, engagement and retention.


Conversations that Count is a highly practical, interactive learning experience designed to inform and motivate participants on how to have highly-effective conversations with others at all levels of their organisations.

Session 1:  A Structure and Tool-Kit
Scenarios and Solutions
The Elements of a Productive Conversation
A Structure/Model that is easy to use and recall
Core Techniques and Approaches
Conversations that Count with Senior Managers
Practice Sessions (2)

Session 2:  Challenging Conversations
What gets in the way of Productive Conversations
Anticipating and Meeting these Challenges
What to do  when the Other Person is not Cooperative
How to Get the De-railed Conversation Back on Track
Conversations that Count with Direct Reports
Practice Sessions (2)




Arrival tea/coffee and morning tea
Course notes
Personal Action Plan


“I enjoyed myself, learnt a great deal about the tools for having conversations that count and feel energised to make these changes.”
Assistant Director, Government department

“Very valuable to have a versatile yet simple model.  I am confident I can apply it in my role.”
Finance Manager, Mining Company

“Essential learning for new managers and good reinforcement and tools for more experienced managers.”
HR Manager, Information Technology

“Having these conversations before things get out of control, I expect to have better outcomes in the future.”
Development Director, Major Construction Company

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