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Form and function. Vision and pragmatism. Agitators and conformists. In this talk we explore post-war revolution in American design, innovation and culture through the work of three pioneering designers: Harvey Earl and Charles and Ray Eames.

Earl and Charles and Ray Eames were agents of social change. Through motor cars, design and furniture they led the charge to bring modernism into the realm of the everyday American family.


Earl worked as the General Motor's Head of Design from 1927 to 1959 and in that time championed aerodynamic modernism in the form of 35 million cars. His studio, initially derided as the 'beauty parlor' implemented Dynamic Obsolescence and the Annual Model Change to position design as an engine for the company's product success.


Charles and Ray Eames approached problem solving as an adventure, combining discipline with a sense of play. Their evolution from furniture designers to cultural ambassadors demonstrated their boundless talents and the overlap of their interests with those of their country. Together they set a standard for design excellence that still inspires current generations.


Please join Alex Ritchie, creative director of experiential design agency E2 and president of AGDA NSW and Alan Boyd furniture expert and Eames collaborator, to discuss the impact of these three iconic American design heroes.


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Level 14, 131 Macquarie street SYDNEY NSW 2000, Australia

Organiser Information
In House Group 3

Alain Henri Chazelles
In House Group 3

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