Geoff Knight presents AESTHETIC REVIEW 2020

Geoff Knight
Geoff Knight is a General Dentist and Internationally noted dental speaker with special interests in Minimal Intervention Aesthetic Dentistry.
He has pioneered a number of innovative clinical procedures in aesthetic dentistry and the pharmacological management of caries and is named on several patents. He has consulted widely across the dental industry and currently works with SDI (Southern Dental Industries) and PDS ( Professional Dentist Supplies) in Australia.
Geoff has been published in various professional publications. He has produced a series of clinical technique videos and written over 100 articles on aesthetic and adhesive dentistry many of which have been translated into a number of languages and published internationally.
This high energy program is packed with multiple clinical procedures.
To assist delegates bring these procedures into their practices for immediate clinical application each participant will receive a link to:
·A modified Power Point presentation of the seminar showing multiple clinical techniques and applications.
·Links to a number of technique videos showing the procedures presented
·Selected articles and references appropriate to the material presented.
This is a brand new seminar using existing and new technologies that will give you:
·SMART and simplified techniques for everyday dentistry
·Alternative procedures to meet the challenges of patients who are reluctant to invest in high-end care.
·The ability to maintain and build patient satisfaction to enhance your practice
·The skills that make dentistry fun again
Cancellations will be accepted in writing up to 7 days prior to the seminar. Dentalk Pty Ltd reserves the right to cancel the seminars any time with the sole liability to fully refund all registration fees.
Paulette Smith
Unit 3/8 Nicole Close Bayswater North VIC 3153, Australia
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