
Oncology Seminar




Oncology - Dr Raelene Wouda and Surgery - Dr Stephanie Colthurst

Canine Mast Cell Tumours

The management of canine mast cell tumours is a convoluted topic when approached from an evidence-based medicine perspective. The literature is incredibly dense, with research typically addressing select questions in isolation. This ultimately makes it challenging, if not impossible, to tie all the relevant information together, and to formulate a definitive approach to clinical case management.

VSS’ next seminar will attempt to do this; discussing what is a reasonable and pragmatic thought process and therapeutic approach to the clinical management of canine mast cell tumour cases.

Dr. Raelene Wouda will discuss tumour biology, diagnostics, staging, and medical management options. Dr. Stephanie Colthurst will discuss surgical excision, with a particular focus on surgical margins and considerations specific to mast cell tumours.

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